024: Mastering Transformative Change in the Workplace + Building Solid and Sustainable Business Growth with Rick Grimaldi and Ruth King

In this episode of Saving With Steve, host Steve Sexton is joined by Rick Grimaldi, a workplace trend expert, employment lawyer, and the author of FLEX: A leaders Guide to Staying Nimble and Mastering Transformative Change in the American Workplace, and Ruth King, a self-professed profitability master for small businesses, founder and CEO of Business Ventures Corporation, and the author of Profit or Wealth?: Simple Rules for Sustainable Business Growth.

Currently, the COVID-19 vaccine is widely available to most employees. Is your organization ready to help get your team vaccinated and back to work? If so, what is your companies vaccination strategy? As major shifts continue to change America's world of work in unprecedented ways, now more than ever, leaders must adapt to the rapidly evolving workplace. 

My first guest, Rick Grimaldi, has been at the forefront of COVID-19 issues and joins us today to share his insights on how employers can quickly and safely prepare a vaccination strategy for their employees. He discusses how business leaders can adapt to ever-changing business environments, become better employers, navigate disruption, achieve their goals, and prepare themselves for transformational change that’s coming their way.

Unfortunately, many business owners simply worry about profits while ignoring business wealth building, but a successful business needs both. When implementing profit and wealth strategies simultaneously, business owners can avoid costly mistakes and effectively build a solid and sustainable business. 

My second guest, Ruth King, known as the “Profitability Master,” joins us today to share why every business needs to grow wealth in the pandemic (yes, it’s possible!), why so many small businesses go bankrupt, how they can avoid such a fate, and how they can insulate themselves against further economic fallout during this time. She provides insight into why so many businesses fail to track or measure the right financial data, which mistakes start-ups can avoid, and some “easy” ways to grow business wealth and develop a sound debt strategy.

Rick Grimaldi is a labor relations lawyer and Partner with the national labor and employment law firm FisherPhillips. He has decades of experience working in and with companies both large and small.

Rick has served employers and employees in Pennsylvania as Deputy General Counsel to Governor Tom Ridge and Chief Counsel of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.

He has worked as a human resources professional, and has spent years in private practice partnering with companies to help them adapt to the ever-changing business environment, achieve their workplace goals, and become better employers that are ultimately rewarded by the market.

Rick is an internationally recognized writer and speaker, and is the author of FLEX: A Leader's Guide to Staying Nimble and Mastering Transformative Change in the American Workplace, which is a real-world guide to harnessing the power of change to increase employee satisfaction and secure long-term success in the marketplace.

As someone with decades of experience helping businesses respond effectively during pivotal moments, Rick shares his unique perspective and valuable insights on the surprising and fundamental ways the world of work is reinventing itself.

Ruth King is the Profitability Master. She has a passion for helping small business owners get and stay profitable.

For nearly four decades, Ruth has utilized the latest systems/processes/technology to help start-ups, fledgling businesses, or even well-established companies to grow successfully.

She is a serial entrepreneur, having owned 7 businesses in the past 30 years. One of her businesses, Business Ventures Corporation, began operations in 1981. Through Business Ventures Corporation, Ruth coaches, trains, and helps contractors and others achieve the business goals they want to achieve.

She is especially proud of one construction company owner she helped climb out of a big hole. He started with a negative $400,000 net worth 15 years ago and is still in business today...profitably and with a positive net worth.

Ruth has been instrumental in helping business owners understand and profitably use the information generated from the financial segment of their businesses. She has a knack for helping business owners truly understand financials.

Her book, Profit or Wealth?: Simple Rules for Sustainable Business Growth, takes a unique perspective on what really matters in financial statements and gives business owners clear and simple rules to build business wealth, which can translate to personal wealth.