Your Life is About to Get Better

The Saving With Steve Show is must listen to radio! In each episode, host Steve Sexton and his guest share key financial strategies that help you sleep better at night. The mission is to give listeners practical tools to feel more in control of their financial future and live a better, more exciting life.

191: How Doing One Thing Can Result in a 100K Benefit for Your Child with Paul Daneshrad

Steve Sexton is joined by Paul Daneshrad to discuss how doing one thing can result in a 100K benefit for your child.

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190: Reverse Mortgages: How They Work & How They Can Help You with Angela Wyckoff

Steve Sexton is joined by Angela Wyckoff to discuss how reverse mortgages work and how they can help you.

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189: Empowering Teens: Unlocking Happiness and True Potential with Kristin Bruce

Steve Sexton is joined by Kristin Bruce to discuss empowering teens and helping them unlock happiness and their true potential.

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188: How to Upgrade Your Workplace to Enhance Engagement and Productivity with Dr. Rebekah Louisa Smith

Steve Sexton is joined by Dr. Rebekah Louisa Smith to discuss upgrading your workplace to enhance engagement and productivity.

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187: The Ageless Traveler: Lifelong Travel Made Easy with Adriane Berg

Steve Sexton is joined by Adriane Berg to discuss lifelong travel made easy.

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186: Simple Steps to Take Control of Your Business Finances TODAY with Sara Fins

Steve Sexton is joined by Sara Fins to discuss simple steps for taking control of your business finances TODAY!

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185: Retirement Tips: Estate Planning, Trust Funds, and Benefits for U.S. Workers with Lisa Drennon

Steve Sexton is joined by Lisa Drennon to discuss retirement tips, estate planning, trust funds, and benefits for U.S. workers.

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184: What's Happening in Real Estate in 2022? with Polina Ryshakow

Steve Sexton is joined by Polina Ryshakow to discuss what's happening in real estate in 2022.

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183: Spring Into Action with 5 Quick Financial Wellness Wins with Erika Wasserman

Steve Sexton is joined by Erika Wasserman to discuss five quick financial wellness wins.

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182: Persuasive Speaking That Sells with Arvee Robinson

Steve Sexton is joined by Arvee Robinson to discuss persuasive speaking that sells.

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181: Fraud Trend: Scammers Use AI to Mimic Voices of Loved Ones in Distress with Simon Horswell

Steve Sexton is joined by Simon Horswell to discuss a fraud trend: scammers using AI to mimic the voices of loved ones in distress.

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180: Expert Advice for Grads: Don’t Stress Chasing Goals, Focus on Purpose with Mark R. Congdon

Steve Sexton is joined by Mark R. Congdon to talk about expert advice for college graduates.

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179: The State of Real Estate with Glen Henderson

Steve Sexton is joined by Glen Henderson to talk about the state of real estate.

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178: How Doing One Thing Can Result in a 100K Benefit for Your Child with Paul Daneshrad

Steve Sexton is joined by Paul Daneshrad to discuss how doing one thing can result in a 100K benefit for your child.

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177: Money Moves to Make in 2024 with Howard Yaruss

Steve Sexton is joined by Howard Yaruss to discuss money moves to make in 2024.

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176: Timely and Cost-Saving Travel Tips for Families Who Want to Travel Safely Without Breaking the Bank with Christopher Klesh

Steve Sexton is joined by Christopher Klesh to discuss timely and cost-saving travel tips for families who want to travel safely without breaking the bank.

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175: Everything You Need to Know About Moving with Devra Ann Jacobs

Steve Sexton is joined by Devra Ann Jacobs to discuss everything you need to know about moving.

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174: From Debt to Prosperity: How AI with Advisor Intelligence Creates a Roadmap to Financial Independence with Mitchell Morrison

Steve Sexton is joined by Mitchell Morrison to discuss how AI with Advisor Intelligence can create a roadmap to financial independence.

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173: Reforming America's Retirement System with Former White House Economists Martin Neil Baily and Benjamin H. Harris

Steve Sexton is joined by Former White House Economists Martin Neil Baily and Benjamin H. Harris to discuss reforming America's retirement system.

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172: The Horror of Endlessly Scrolling Streaming Platforms with Gatsby Frimpong

Steve Sexton is joined by Gatsby Frimpong to discuss the horror of endlessly scrolling streaming platforms.

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171: Timely and Cost-Saving Travel Tips for Families Who Want to Travel Safely Without Breaking the Bank with Christopher Klesh

Steve Sexton is joined by Christopher Klesh to discuss travel tips for families who want to travel safely without breaking the bank.

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170: Money Moves to Make in 2024 with Howard Yaruss

Steve Sexton is joined by Howard Yaruss to discuss money moves to make in 2024.

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169: The Power of Decluttering and Simplifying with Krista Lockwood, Founder of Motherhood Simplified

Steve Sexton is joined by Krista Lockwood to discuss how busy moms can learn to declutter without becoming full-blown minimalists.

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168: Wealth Exploration: Money Mindset, Relationships, and Archetypes Decoded with Michelle Cooper

Steve Sexton is joined by Michelle Cooper to discuss money mindset, relationships, and archetypes.

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167: Building an Organizational Culture that Supports Employee Wellness with Natasha Bowman

Steve Sexton is joined by Natasha Bowman to discuss building an organizational culture that supports employee wellness.

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166: Building an Organizational Culture that Supports Employee Wellness with Natasha Bowman

Steve Sexton is joined by Natasha Bowman to discuss building an organizational culture that supports employee wellness.

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165: The State of Real Estate with Glen Henderson

Steve Sexton is joined by Glen Henderson to talk about the state of real estate.

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164: Empowering Women to Take Control of Their Financial Futures with Nancy Tengler

Steve Sexton is joined by Nancy Tengler to discuss empowering women to take control of their financial futures.

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163: WalletHub Study: States with the Highest Student Loan Payments with Cassandra Happe

Steve Sexton is joined by Cassandra Happe to talk about the states with the highest loan payments.

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162: Unlocking Career Potential: Expert Insights and Strategies with Amy Feind Reeves

Steve Sexton is joined by Amy Feind Reeves to talk about expert insights and strategies for unlocking career potential.

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161: Surviving and Thriving in Difficult Economic Times with Dutch Mendenhall

Steve Sexton is joined by Dutch Mendenhall to talk about how to survive and thrive in difficult economic times.

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160: Porch Pirates Beware! Arrive Point is About to Bring Package Theft to a Much-Needed Halt with Dan O'Toole

Steve Sexton is joined by Dan O'Toole to discuss bringing package theft to a much-needed halt.

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159: The Horror of Endlessly Scrolling Streaming Platforms with Gatsby Frimpong

Steve Sexton is joined by Gatsby Frimpong to discuss the horror of endlessly scrolling streaming platforms.

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158: How to Make a Successful Career Change with Helen Horyza

Steve Sexton is joined by Helen Horyza to discuss how to make a successful career change.

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157: Building an Organizational Culture that Supports Employee Wellness with Natasha Bowman

Steve Sexton is joined by Natasha Bowman to discuss building an organizational culture that supports employee wellness.

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155: What Young People Need to Know About Finances with Steve Davis

Steve Sexton is joined by Steve Davis to discuss what young people need to know about finances.

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154: Fraud Trend: Scammers Use AI to Mimic Voices of Loved Ones in Distress with Simon Horswell

Steve Sexton is joined by Simon Horswell to discuss a fraud trend: scammers using AI to mimic the voices of loved ones in distress.

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153: Timely and Cost-Saving Travel Tips for Families Who Want to Travel Safely Without Breaking the Bank with Christopher Klesh

Steve Sexton is joined by Christopher Klesh to discuss cost-saving tips for families who want to travel without breaking the bank.

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152: Managing Financial Expectations with the Family with Figs O'Sullivan

Steve Sexton is joined by Figs O'Sullivan to discuss managing financial expectations with the family.

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151: Why Public Speaking Helps to Grow Your Business with Arvee Robinson

Steve Sexton is joined by Arvee Robinson to discuss why public speaking helps to grow your business.

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150: Tips for Navigating Medicare and High Prescription Costs for Your Elderly Parents with Stephanie Pogue

Steve Sexton is joined by Stephanie Pogue to discuss tips for navigating medicare and high prescription costs for your elderly parents.

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149: Fraud Trend: Scammers Use AI to Mimic Voices of Loved Ones in Distress with Simon Horswell

Steve Sexton is joined by Simon Horswell to discuss a fraud trend: scammers using AI to mimic the voices of loved ones in distress.

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148: Will Reforming Our Legal System Boost Tax Revenue and Save Americans Money? with Dr. Wayne Winegarden

Steve Sexton is joined by Dr. Wayne Winegarden to discuss whether or not reforming our legal system will boost tax revenue and save Americans money.

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147: Fraud Trend: Scammers Use AI to Mimic Voices of Loved Ones in Distress with Simon Horswell

Steve Sexton is joined by Simon Horswell to discuss a fraud trend: scammers using AI to mimic the voices of loved ones in distress.

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146: What Young People Need to Know About Finances with Steve Davis

Steve Sexton is joined by Steve Davis to discuss what young people need to know about finances.

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145: The Truth About Car Title Loans: How They Work & Why You Should Avoid Them with Lucia Constantine

Steve Sexton is joined by Lucia Constantine to discuss the truth about car title loans: how they work and why you should avoid them.

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144: Best Tips From Retirees Who've Started a Business in Retirement with Sam Gopinathan

Steve Sexton is joined by Sam Gopinathan to discuss the best tips from retirees who have started a business in retirement.

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143: Government Regulation's Impact on the Broader Crypto Market and Personal Finance with Peter Eberle

Steve Sexton is joined by Peter Eberle to discuss government regulation's impact on the broader crypto market and personal finance.

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142: Managing Financial Expectations with the Family with Figs O'Sullivan

Steve Sexton is joined by Figs O'Sullivan to discuss managing financial expectations with the family.

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141: From Debt to Prosperity: How AI with Advisor Intelligence Creates a Roadmap to Financial Independence with Mitchell Morrison

Steve Sexton is joined by Mitchell Morrison to discuss how AI with Advisor Intelligence creates a roadmap to financial independence.

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140: Does a Higher Income Make You More Attractive to Scammers? with Claire Martin-Tellis

Steve Sexton is joined by Claire Martin-Tellis to discuss whether or not a higher income makes you more attractive to scammers.

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139: Selling Your House in a Rising Interest Market with Glen Henderson

Steve Sexton is joined by Glen Henderson to discuss selling your house in a rising market.

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138: How to Travel Safely and Affordably with Wayne Dunlap

Steve Sexton is joined by Wayne Dunlap to discuss how to travel safely and affordably.

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137: Using a Reverse Mortgage to Purchase a Right-Sized Home with Angela Wyckoff

Steve Sexton is joined by Angela Wyckoff to discuss using a reverse mortgage to purchase a right-sized home.

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136: How to Pick a Tax-Wise Retirement Withdrawal Strategy with Daniel McDonald

Steve Sexton is joined by Daniel McDonald to discuss how to pick a tax-wise retirement withdrawal strategy.

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135: Money Isn't Scary: How to Approach Money Struggles with a Healthy Attitude with Candice Bakx-Friesen

Steve Sexton is joined by Candice Bakx-Friesen to discuss how to approach money struggles with a healthy attitude.

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134: Should You Date Your Co-Worker or Best Friend? The Positives & Negatives to Consider with Lee Ellis and Greg Godek

Steve Sexton is joined by Lee Ellis and Greg Godek to discuss the positives and negatives to consider when it comes to dating your co-worker or best friend.

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133: Pivoting in the Face of Entrepreneurship with Hani Anis

Steve Sexton is joined by Hani Anis to discuss pivoting in the face of entrepreneurship.

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132: Riding the Wave: Navigating the Silver Tsunami with Preparation and Purpose with Tony Siebers

Steve Sexton is joined by Tony Siebers to discuss navigating the silver tsunami with preparation and purpose.

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131: What Should All Younger People Understand About Finances? with Steve Davis

Steve Sexton is joined by Steve Davis to discuss what all younger people should understand about finances.

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130: RV Travel Trends with Tom Hamil

Steve Sexton is joined by Tom Hamil to discuss RV travel trends.

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129: Persuasive Speaking That Sells with Arvee Robinson

Steve Sexton is joined by Arvee Robinson to discuss persuasive speaking that sells.

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128: Under the Median: Living with Joy and Abundance on a Shoestring Budget with Larry and Hope Ware

Steve Sexton is joined by Larry and Hope Ware to discuss living with joy and abundance on a shoestring budget.

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127: How Small Businesses Can Get Profitable and Stay Profitable with Ruth King

Steve Sexton is joined by Ruth King to discuss how small businesses can get profitable and stay profitable.

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126: STACKS Library of Truth: Can a Secret Group be Controlling Access to Information? with Kathy Forti, Ph.D.

Steve Sexton is joined by Kathy Forti, Ph.D., to discuss her debut Sci-Fi Thriller series, Stacks Library of Truth.

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125: Women in Leadership: Take Off Your Camouflage and Start Revealing Your Genuine Self with Jenn Donahue

Steve Sexton is joined by Jenn Donahue to discuss women in leadership: taking off your camouflage and revealing your genuine self.

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124: How to Take the Stress Out of Money Management with Dana Miranda

Steve Sexton is joined by Dana Miranda to talk about how to take the stress out of money management.

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123: How to Travel Without Breaking the Bank with Christopher Klesh

Steve Sexton is joined by Christopher Klesh to discuss how to travel without breaking the bank.

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122: How to Approach Money Differently in Today's Market with Romy Pickron, CFP

Steve Sexton is joined by Romy Pickron, CFP, to discuss how to approach money differently in today's market.

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121: Reverse Mortgages: How They Work & How They Can Help You with Angela Wyckoff

Steve Sexton is joined by Angela Wyckoff to discuss reverse mortgages: how they work and how they can help you.

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120: The Past, Present, and Future of Student Loans with Bryan Kuderna

Steve Sexton is joined by Bryan Kuderna to discuss the past, present, and future of student loans.

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119: Reverse Mortgages and the Current Economy with Steven J. Sless

Steve Sexton is joined by Steve Sless to discuss reverse mortgages and the current economy.

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118: 7 Simple and Effective Ways to Lower Money Stress with Michael Gilmore

Steve Sexton is joined by Michael Gilmore to discuss 7 simple and effective ways to lower money stress.

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117: How to Pick a Tax-Wise Retirement Withdrawal Strategy with Daniel McDonald

Steve Sexton is joined by Daniel McDonald to discuss how to pick a tax-wise retirement withdrawal strategy.

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116: Money Moves to Make in 2023 with Howard Yaruss

Steve Sexton is joined by Howard Yaruss to discuss money moves to make in 2023.

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115: How to Make a Successful Career Change with Helen Horyza

Steve Sexton is joined by Helen Horyza to discuss how to make a successful career change.

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114: 5 Quick Financial Wellness Wins with Erika Wasserman

Steve Sexton is joined by Erika Wasserman to discuss five quick financial wellness wins.

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113: 5 Ways to Save More Money with Lisa Thompson

Steve Sexton is joined by Lisa Thompson to discuss five ways to save more money.

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112: Crypto Technology and How it May be a Wealth-Creating Mechanism of the Future with Jarl Jensen

Steve Sexton is joined by Jarl Jensen to discuss crypto technology and how it may be a wealth-creating mechanism of the future.

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111: Money Moves to Make in 2023 with Howard Yaruss

Steve Sexton is joined by Howard Yaruss to discuss money moves to make in 2023.

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110: 2023 Mortgage Rates with Jonathan "JJ" Jerotz

Steve Sexton is joined by Jonathan "JJ" Jerotz to discuss 2023 mortgage rates.

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109: The State of Real Estate with Glen Henderson

Steve Sexton is joined by Glen Henderson to discuss the state of real estate.

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108: Managing Financial Expectations with the Family During the Holiday Season with Figs O'Sullivan

Steve Sexton is joined by Figs O'Sullivan to discuss managing financial expectations with the family during the holiday season.

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107: Money Mindset and Organization: Removing Money Blocks & Building Key Habits with Miriam Ortiz y Pino

Steve Sexton is joined by Miriam Ortiz y Pino to discuss removing money blocks and building key habits to create a healthy money mindset.

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106: Grow Your Business by Becoming a Better Public Speaker with Arvee Robinson

Steve Sexton is joined by Arvee Robinson to discuss growing your business by becoming a better public speaker.

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105: Emotional Regulation and How it Can Help You Become Smarter with Money with Alejandra Rojas

Steve Sexton is joined by Alejandra Rojas to discuss emotional regulation and how it can help you become smarter with money.

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104: Missologist: Making Cocktails and Mixology More Accessible to Women with Nicole Schaefer

Steve Sexton is joined by Nicole Schaefer to discuss making cocktails and mixology more accessible to women.

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103: How to Travel Without Breaking the Bank with Christopher Klesh

Steve Sexton is joined by Christopher Klesh to discuss how to travel without breaking the bank.

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102: WalletHub's 2022 Winter Travel Survey & Money-Saving Tips for Travelers with Jill Gonzalez

Steve Sexton is joined by Jill Gonzalez to discuss WalletHub's 2022 Winter Travel Survey + money-saving tips for travelers.

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101: The Power of Decluttering and Simplifying with Krista Lockwood, Founder of Motherhood Simplified

Steve Sexton is joined by Krista Lockwood to discuss the power of decluttering and simplifying.

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100: Saving Money During the Holidays with Larry and Hope Ware

Steve Sexton is joined by Larry and Hope Ware to discuss saving money during the holidays.

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099: Navigating the "Great Resignation": Taking Advantage of a Competitive Job Market for Older Adults with Ismat Mangla

Steve Sexton is joined by Ismat Mangla to discuss navigating the "Great Resignation" and taking advantage of a competitive job market for older adults.

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098: How to Make a Successful Career Change with Helen Horyza

Steve Sexton is joined by Helen Horyza to discuss how to make a successful career change.

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097: How to Travel Without Breaking the Bank with Christopher Klesh

Steve Sexton is joined by Christopher Klesh to discuss how to travel without breaking the bank.

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096: Entrepreneurship: Moving From an Employee Mindset to a CEO Mindset with Quinn Driscoll

Steve Sexton is joined by Quinn Driscoll to discuss entrepreneurship and moving from an employee mindset to a CEO mindset.

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095: The Happy Healthy Human: The Realities of Building a Happy Healthy Mindset with Paul Levitin

Steve Sexton is joined by Paul Levitin to discuss the realities of building a happy, healthy mindset.

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094: The Ethereum Merge: Will Crypto Survive? with Jacky Goh and Ivaylo Yovkov

Steve Sexton is joined by Jacky Goh and Ivaylo Yovkov to discuss the ethereum merge and if crypto will survive.

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093: RV Travel Trends and Tips for National Outdoors Month with Tom Hamil

Steve Sexton is joined by Tom Hamil to discuss RV travel trends and tips for National Outdoors Month.

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092: Utilizing Home Equity to Keep Up With Inflation with Steven Sless

Steve Sexton is joined by Steven Sless to discuss utilizing home equity to keep up with inflation.

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091: RV Travel Trends and Tips for National Outdoors Month with Tom Hamil

Steve Sexton is joined by Tom Hamil to discuss RV travel trends and tips for national outdoors month.

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