010: Better Health for Better Savings + How Your Childhood is Impacting Your Financial Behavior as an Adult with Sara Banta and Ande Frazier

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In this episode of Saving With Steve, host Steve Sexton is joined by Health Coach, Natural Supplement Expert, and the host of Accelerated Health TV & Radio, Sara Banta, and expert in behavioral finance and ForbesBook author of Fin(anci)ally Free: 11 Conversations To Have With Yourself About Life, Money, and Worth, Ande Frazier.

Do you want to learn how to deal with those pesky hormones or get those awful hot flashes to go away? Are you looking for ways to improve your testosterone so that you can have more energy? Are you dieting and exercising but still can’t seem to lose any weight? My first guest, Sara Banta, has been in search of cutting-edge and alternative modalities to heal every health challenge for the past 15 years. Today, she is going to talk to us about how to deal with troublesome hormones, how we can improve our testosterone through diet and supplements, what we can do about inflammation, joint pain, and brain fog, and how we can improve our energy and support the immune system.

Think back to when you were a kid… Did your parents talk about money, or did the subject cause them to shut down? What lessons about money did you learn from your parents? Are your parents to blame for your financial behavior as an adult? Do you need to reconsider or reevaluate your relationship with money? My second guest, Ande Frazier, is going to talk about how our upbringing could influence how we handle money as adults and why changing financial habits may require a deeper look into how those habits were formed. She shares steps for how we can overcome these deeply ingrained habits and behaviors and insight into what we should be teaching our children about money.

Sara Banta is a health coach, natural supplement and frequency-based health technology expert, and busy mom of three.

She completed her undergraduate studies at Stanford University with a degree in Economics and Psychology in 1998.

In 2016, Sara graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and The Invincible Wellness System.

As a mother of three teenagers, she has had the opportunity to solve a broad spectrum of health issues affecting every member of her family. As a result, for the past 10 years, she has been in search of alternative solutions.

Sara’s journey in health has lead her to more formal and informal self-education in nutrition, Ayurveda, Chinese Herbology, fitness nutrition, frequency-based technologies, and supplements. She believes that detoxification of the body is a primary step in allowing the body to rebuild and heal itself. The more she learns, the more she is eager to deepen her understanding of health.

With all of these issues, Sara’s family has been able to find technologically advanced and natural solutions. Over the years, she has realized that you cannot just treat symptoms, you have to treat the source of the problem. Everything she promotes she has had the opportunity to use and stand behind.

Sara’s goal is to provide natural and innovative solutions to families for their health and nutritional needs that will help people live with more energy and to experience a better quality of life.

Ande Frazier CFP®, CLU, ChFC, RICP, BFA™, ChSNC, CDFA® is inspiring women to take control of their money by breaking down the emotional, behavioral and societal barriers that prevent them from building strong financial foundations.

Ande began her more-than-27-year career as a financial adviser but quickly realized that traditional planning methods didn’t account for how much emotions factor into financial decision making.

In her subsequent years educating other advisers and consumers, she saw again and again that conventional wisdom about women and money was flawed: It’s not women’s finances that determine their self-worth. It’s women’s sense of self-worth that determines their finances. And like that, a new philosophy was born.  

In 2020 Ande published her first book with ForbesBooks, Fin(anci)ally Free! 11 Conversations to Have With Yourself About Life, Money, & Your Worth. Ande’s book is a guide to help women feel secure in their futures, to integrate self-worth and net-worth across generations.